Tuesday, December 17, 2013

That's One Sweet House!

I have always loved Gingerbread Houses!  I would love to say that I make one each year, but I don't. I have attempted with epic failure... my walls tend to be a bit crooked each time!  However, one year I  had a wonderful baker make us one when our house was on a Holiday House tour, and that was a show stopper( Below). I am still amazed at the talented bakers out there who create such beautifully designed houses from flour, eggs and butter! Here are a few, okay maybe more than just a few of my favorite edible homes. Enjoy!

The Relished Roost Gingerbread House!



Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart

Top Ginger Bread homes- Good House Keeping!

Good House Keeping

Good House Keeping

Good House Keeping

Good House Keeping


  1. That is super adorable! Oh my gosh, everything is perfect. I love them all!

    xoxo Zoe

  2. Such a fun and festive post! Your gingerbread house was so pretty. It must have be fun difficult to dismantle it after the holidays. Yes, there's so much creativity out there! We have an annual Gingerbread tour in Seattle with the proceeds going to charity. It's a must see and I always get inspired.

    Hope you ate enjoying the season:)

    1. I meant .. must have been tough to dismantle

      I'm on my phone and typos happen ;)

    2. I would love to see a Gingerbread house tour!! Sounds great!

  3. WOW X10 !!
    I love this idea, not just your typical gingerbread house is it?
    Now, I'm going to see if there is anyone in Houston who make one for our party.
    Karolyn, I hope you guys have a beautiul white Christmas, make merry and love everyone.
    And, let's remember our animals, the wild ones who need out protection all year long.

  4. Gingerbread houses bring back so much nostalgia for me. When we were kids my mom and I would make and decorate one, then on Christmas my cousins and I would go to town on it! Love the one you made! All of your picks are really fun too! Thanks for sharing. Happy Holidays xo

  5. Neiman-Marcus gingerbread house at my mother-in-law's house ca. 1983. A party. We were mostly college or high school age.

    Of course we ate that gorgeous house.

    How were we supposed to know it wasn't bought for US? Only decor.

    Yes, the best gingerbread house EVER :)

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  6. So pretty. Each year I take the kids down to Peddler's Village to check out their gingerbread display. All the creativity is amazing!

  7. Very pretty and so realistic compared to any I've made in the past.

  8. These gingerbread houses are amazing! I have been wanting to make one but there never seems to be enough time.


  9. Wow...these are some great images of ginger bread houses...my son made one at school one year...carried it all the way home and dropped it when he came through the door...he was so devastated that I didn't get to see it....so was I.

    1. Oh poor boy!! A memory for life!! Have a great holiday!

  10. I love the Martha homes. So beautiful and elegant at the same time.

  11. How marvelous! I wish I was able to make one too. These all are dreamy and super beautiful!:) Kisses dear, have a lovely day! xo

  12. Wow..these are incredible!!!! Funny I have a post coming up on them too...have always had a fascination with them. Such a work of art and so festive. One day one day.....

  13. Wow, amazing! I've never made a gingerbread house - but these "architects" are inspiring me! Happy week before Christmas! XO

  14. I too used to make one every year with the kids and they were nothing like Martha Stewarts, that's for sure. I have been to the White House and seen their gingerbread or chocolate houses and they are massive with such attention to detail! Yours was darling! Happiest of holidays to you and your family Karolyn and thank you so much for all your support this year. Here's to a great 2014 for The Relished Roost and your family. xooxNancy

    1. Thank you Nancy I wish the same to the both of you!i always appreciate you kind comments!!

  15. It was such a treat seeing these wonderful gingerbread houses as we don't see too many in the UK. Yours is gorgeous. I wouldn't know where to begin! Great post.

  16. They are so so so beautiful! Would be such a shame to eat them. I've always wanted to make one, but never really got around doing it. I saved some of the designs just in case I do feel brave enough one day. x


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