Wednesday, June 24, 2015

SOWBA-Sisterhood Of The World!

Thank you Sarah from for nominating me in the Sisterhood of The World Blog Awards.   This is going to be a tough one since I always over think personal questions and always come up with more than one answer ! Bare with me y'all!! Sara has sent out 10 specific questions that I am to answer and then pick 10 Blogger Sisters for the award as well.  
Well, here goes nothing!

1. What celebrity are you said to resemble?

This is too funny because I am told I look like so many different people some great and some well not so great.
On a good day I have been told Michelle Pfeiffer and believe me I wish that was true! On a not so great day Lindsay Lohan. No offense to Lindsay she was beautiful before she started playing around with her face and other things. Well, I will let you decide!
Middle "ME" and my two wonderful best friends!
Lindsay... I say neither

2. If you could pick any designer, living or dead to decorate your house, who would it be?
   Again a tough one! As a decorator myself there are so many designers that I idolize.
  It would have to be Michael S. Smith!

Elle Decor

3. If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would do?
    I would love to start a shelter/work program for homeless and  runaway teenagers. I saw a documentary on this crisis and I felt so helpless. Then I would buy my parents their dream home!

4.  What is your favorite room in your house and why?
     I think it's my living room because of all the natural light that streams in during the day.

5. If you could rewind ten years and give yourself a piece of advice, what would it be? 
 It would be what I tell my girls all the time, have self confidence!  You don't need anyone or thing to validate who you are, you just need to know you are special and capable of great things.

6. What's the worst haircut you ever had?
    HAHAHA, it would have to be the Dorothy Hamill wedge in the 1970's!
 I had such thick wavy hair that the boys called my rat's  nest when I came to school with my new doo!


7. What's your favorite little luxury?
     Sisley Eye gel mask!

8. Name a song that get's stuck in your head!

9. Pick an all time favorite book that you think we all should       read!
    Wuthering Heights

10. Everyone has them, what's your guilty pleasure?

     Had them last night, chocolate covered digestive cookies from  Cadbury with tea!

My Sisterhood Award Shout Outs!

Questions :
1. How do you recharge your inner batteries?

2. What celebrity do people say you resemble?

3. If you could have lunch with anyone living or dead, who would it be?

4.  Your Dream vacation?

5. If you won the lottery whats the first thing you would do?

6. What's your go to beauty product?

7. What is your favorite room in your home?

8. What would you tell the 21 year old you, if you had the chance.

9. Favorite flower?

10. What is your guilty pleasure?

Good luck ladies and I look forward to learning more about all of  you!


  1. Loved all of your answers and knowing more about you Karolyn!!
    No matter who you may look like you are a beauty inside and out already!!

    The Arts by Karena

  2. You are prettier than both those celebs! You living room is lovely.

    1. Oh you are awesome, I wish!! Thank you Mary Ann!

  3. I agree - you are prettier than both of Lindsey and Michelle! Such fine reading these...and thanks for nominating me!

    1. Oh I love you guys! Have fun answering the questions cant wait to read them, K

  4. Fun! I'm going to try that eye mask. Thanks for the tip.
    The House of Hampton

    1. PS, I put it on in the morning and I dont rinse it off its amazing!!

  5. No wonder i like you! Yep had the Dorothy Hamill haircut,...."the bowl". Thanks to my kids have discovered Skrillex and must say some of the music is really good and so energizing...who knew:) Love your ideas for what to do upon winning the lottery and of course never met a cookie I didn't love:) Fun post Karolyn, hope your summer is off to a great start.

    1. Thanks Tina, so glad I am not alone with my skrillex and love of cookies!! xo K

  6. Karolyn,
    This is a perfectly delightful way to get to know more about you! I just have to say, that your choices for the monies received from winning the lottery touched my heart. I just had to chuckle over the haircut-I too have thick hair and it has some natural curl to it- very unruly so I have had my share of extreme styles and cuts! Thank you for including me too!

    1. Jemma, looking forward to all your answers to my crazy questions!! xo K

  7. Great post! But I think that today homeless is not the biggest problem, they are loved like anyone else. I understood it after reading this post. Read it too, it will change your view!)


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