Monday, February 8, 2016

Saharan "Tuareg" Rug Monday Must have!

Did you get the latest Architectural Digest? If not please do, it's chock full of goodies this month. One home in particular had me truly smitten.  That would be the vacation home of Frederic Fekkai! When my sister and I lived in Manhattan Frederic was a rising pop star in the world of hair and beauty and his salon was one that we tried amongst other great ones, Ah the good old days! Now he is a beauty mogul with a home in the south of France that is beyond gorgeous.  I saw a theme through out the rooms in his home and that was the use of Tuareg rugs although they call them Saharan in the article.
These rugs are made of Palm tree fibers and either goat or camel leather.
I have long been a fan of these rugs and if only I had  listened to my gut years ago and bought a few when they were somewhat reasonable I would be a happy girl today. But, alas I didn't and now the prices range from $2500 to $10,000.  Here are a few that I found to put on a wish list. Now if someone would just reproduce the look minus the poor camel leather I think they could be the new sisal!

Above two from Primitif!

Moroccan Berber Carpets

The four above are from 1st Dibs!

The best price so far is from ABC Home !


  1. Good Morning,
    Love these rugs, and we are searching for one for the Library.
    Perfect tips!

  2. This months AD is indeed fabulous! I have read it cover to cover. I loved these rugs as well although I have no place for another rug in my house right now. Sadly.

    Have a great week!

  3. I'm smilingly because just today we purchased a rug - 8X10 for our living room. Love your photos and the textural beauty they add to a room. I love ABC Carpet and Home, wandering the floors and picking up pieces to feather our nest.

  4. I noticed this fabulous rug in AD too. Went straight to my Love List. I Need one! Or a client whom I can live through vicariously!

    1. Indeed a client to live vicariously through is the next best thing!

  5. I love these!! You know I love anything ethnic!

  6. Very lovely article, We are an online shop for Moroccan rugs and other stuff, but we still think this Tuareg rugs are really amazing!!!


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